Getting Started

Getting Started

Install & run with Docker

This section requires Docker and docker compose.

git clone
cd zipline
docker compose up -d

After installing, please edit the docker-compose.yml file and find the line that says CORE_SECRET=changethis and replace changethis with a random string.

Ways you could generate the string could be from a password managers generator, or you could just slam your keyboard and hope for the best.

Building & running from source

This section requires nodejs (v18 (or current LTS) or later), yarn.


NPM is not supported as it produces unintended side effects during the build process.

git clone
cd zipline
yarn install

Building from source requires having a valid configuration through environment variables. This does not have to be an exhaustive list of variables, but it does require the following variables to be set: CORE_SECRET and CORE_DATABASE_URL.

yarn build
yarn start

After this rename the .env.local.example file to .env.local and feel free to configure as needed.


After installing, please edit the .env.local file and find the line that says SECRET=changethis and replace changethis with a random string.

Ways you could generate the string could be from a password managers generator, or you could just slam your keyboard and hope for the best.

Install on Unraid

This section is specific to Unraid OS and uses the default Community Apps plugin.


An existing PostgreSQL (15 or higher) database is required! If you do not already have one you can install postgresql15 from the app center.

Zipline is available on the Community Application Center and can be installed from there:

  1. Search for "zipline" in community applications and install the app from ImSkully's Repository
  2. Update the required variables:
  3. (Optional) Adjust default configuration as required, see Configuration for more variables and their usage

Once created, Zipline should be running at the configured webUI port, by default this is 8092.


The Unraid template for Zipline is maintained seperately, for support visit the Zipline Support topic on the Unraid forums. The Zipline Discord server or GitHub issues are not the place to ask for support for the Unraid template, and will be ignored or at best redirected to the Unraid forums.

Default administrator password

After setting up Zipline for the first time, you may login to the dashboard with the username administrator and the password password.


Remember to change this password in the manage user page.



To update with docker you can simply run:

docker compose pull

then run

docker compose up -d

to restart.

From Source

To update from source you can simply run:

git pull

then run

yarn install
yarn build

then run

yarn start

to start.


The Unraid application automatically updates with the latest released image from

You will be notified of future updates that are ready to install by the application center, or visit the Action Center to manually install the latest update when available.

Last updated: 3/2/2024
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